PLM: Material Adoption - How to Adopt & Re-Adopt a Material from PLM to Exenta
Updated 11/21/2024. (To include new fields "Initial Adopted Date" & "Last Adopted Date.")
In order to Adopt (and/or Re-Adopt) a Material from PLM to Exenta follow below steps.
Steps to take when Adopting or Re-Adopting a Material from PLM to Exenta:
1. Identify the material you will be adopting. For example, material no. BSS:
2. Once you are viewing the material profile, ensure all data is accurate & material is ready to be adopted or re-adopted.
Read through the below linked SOP to determine which fields are required for a material adoption, and which fields will update in Exenta, and which fields will NOT update in Exenta.
3. Once you have confirmed you are ready to adopt the material, change the "ready for adoption" marker to "Ready." There are two ways to do this.
Option 1: At the top right of the overview page, there is a drop down. Change this to read "Ready"
Detail View:
OPTION 2: In the Material Overview > Edit page, there is a drop down field. Change this to read "Ready"
Detail View:
OPTION 3: In the material library list view, you can "mass update" the "Ready for Adoption" status to read "Ready"
4. Once the "Ready for Adoption Status" is changed to "Ready" you will see this status at the top right of the material overview, as well as in the Material Library > List View.
Material Overview:
Material Library > List View:
5. From here, the user's job is done. A task (which runs out of Exenta every 10 minutes) will adopt all materials that are marked "Ready" for adoption in PLM.
You will be able to identify if your design has successfully adopted by reviewing the below three fields:
1. Ready for Adoption Status
2. Initial Adopted Date
3. Last Adopted Date
These 3 fields are available to view at both the Material List View, as well as the Material Overview.
Re. Ready for Adoption Status
If the material has successfully been adopted, then the "Ready for Adoption Status" will be changed from "Ready" to "Adopted."
If the material adoption has failed, then the "Ready for Adoption Status" will be changed from "Ready" to "Failed."
Re. Initial Adopted Date & Last Adopted Date
If the material has successfully been adopted, then the Initial Adopted Date & Last Adopted Date will change from null to the date/time of adoption.
If the material has successfully been re-adopted, then the Last Adopted Date will change to the date/time of last successful adoption.
Please note these fields are also available to use as filters.
To find designs that have not yet been adopted, filter by:
To find dates that have been adopted, filter by:
A user also has the ability to view the material's change log to see adoption history.
When a material has been successfully adopted:
- The change log will show that a VB user changed the "Ready for Adoption Status" to "Ready"
- And then that the "ERP Bot" successfully adopted the material at a specific date/ time.
When a material has failed adoption:
- The change log will show that a VB user changed the "Ready for Adoption Status" to "Ready"
- And then that the "ERP Bot" changed the "Ready for Adoption Status" to "Failed"